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Gustavo Liñán Cembrano: I’m a Tenured Scientist at the Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla (IMSE-CNM CSIC-Univ. Sevilla). I received my degree in Physics in 1996, and PhD degree in Physics (microelectronics) in 2002 for a work entitled "Design of Low-Power Mixed-Signal Vision Chips". Since the beginning, my research has been oriented towards microelectronic design of low power chips capable of acquiring and processing visual information in a single device, what’s usually
known as a Focal-Plane Processor, or, more generally, a Topographic Vision Sensor. This line of research naturally evolved into the design of vision chips capable of capturing images of very high dynamic range (+150dB). After more than 15 years involved in the design of electronics for vision, I started developing image processing applications for biological studies. Until now, my biggest achievement in this area is the subject of this page: the software package SpotEgg.

I’ve co-chaired the SPIE Conference on Bioengineered and Bioinspired Systems in 2007, 2009, and
2011, and I’ve been a member of the Program Committee of several IEEE and SPIE conferences.

Jesús Gómez: I´m a phD student at Estación Biológica de Doñana (EBD-CSIC, Sevilla-Spain). In my thesis I´m trying to answer some evolutionary and ecological questions related with the colouration of avian eggs. Eggshells exhibit diverse colouration and patterns. The drivers that affect these designs are different depending on the species. For ground nesting birds (the ones in which I´m mainly focusing my research), risk of overheating and camouflage are important factors that might affect eggshell colouration, but they have not been deeply studied. For this reason I´m incorporating visual systems models and optical concepts (biophysics) to try provide answers to  questions that still remain open.


On the other hand, I have worked and I actually collaborate with people from other institutions all around the world (Environment Canada, University of Exeter, University of Saskatchewan, among others), and I´m more than happy to extend my collaborations to those who are interested in some of these intriguing questions or other appealing topics.

© 2017 G. Liñán Cembrano

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